Normally PunkBuster keeps itself updated while you play your favorite game. If, however,
you would like to manually update your PunkBuster installations, please download our PBsetup utility
and follow the instructions.
PunkBuster Service Installer (pbsvc)
PunkBuster on the Windows™ operating system requires two running services. (PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB) Normally these
are installed when the game is installed. If you'd like to manually install PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB, please download our
PunkBuster service installer.
PunkBuster UDP Console (pbucon)
PBUCON is a PunkBuster Server facility that allows server admins to obtain a remote UDP based console with a running PunkBuster
Server version 1.225 or higher. Admins can use PBUCON to stream PB logging and optionally issue remote commands and optionally (
for some games) stream normal game server logging. PBUCON allows concurrent real-time streaming of PB logging to multiple remote
hosts and also does not require any special firewall configuration as it uses the same socket and port used by the running PunkBuster
server for communication.
PunkBuster uses a modified version of the MD5 algorithm from "RSA Data Security, Inc." A copy of the modified source code
and our md5 command-line tool can be downloaded below:
Even Balance, PunkBuster and the PunkBuster logo are trademarks of Even Balance, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.